... and I don't mean Burger King! I love custom orders! The pocket rosary in the pic above was created for my friend Lori's grandmother. She told me a few facts about her and then I went to work...
The thing about my work process is that it is 99% thinking and 1% working. And believe me, if you've ever seen ALL of the jewelry I have made, you know I have been doing a LOT of thinking! LOL
Anyway, when I began to focus my thoughts on Lori's grandmother, one bead came to mind immediately: the carved turquoise round beads you see in the pic above. So when I finally decided to create the piece, I went looking for the beads. You need 11 to create a pocket rosary; I only had 6. So I decided to make something else on my list. Wouldn't you know it? No matter what I looked for, I could not find! Now granted, my studio is NOT the most organized room in my house, but to not be able to find anything I am looking for is unusual. I finally gave up and looked in places I never look for things and I found 11 carved turquoise beads!!!!!!!! And suddenly, everything - literally everything I had been looking for suddenly began appearing.
Lori LOVED the pocket rosary. She said the beads were perfect! When something is meant to be, it is meant to be. That's how I look at it!
("Turquoise" Pocket Rosary Custom Order - Carved Turquoise, Glass, Swarovski Crystal, & Sterling Silver!)