There is no way to describe my experiences walking the labyrinth. Each time I walk the experience is different.
Three years ago I walked a labyrinth on New Year's Day. I had made plans to walk this particular labyrinth. One of the women who created it came out in the freezing rain and snow to open it for me. "Take your time," she said. "We are so blessed that you have chosen to walk our labyrinth on the first day of the new year."
I was with a man who did not want to be there. "I'll wait in the truck," he said. He wasn't happy with me. I didn't care. He had brought his dog along and I figured they could keep each other company. I knew I had to walk. And nothing, including his displeasure, was going to stop me.
The labyrinth was built into the side of a hill and completely honored the original landscaping. The walk was treacherous. Rocks. Sudden deep puddles. Unexpected large roots of trees jutting out of the ground. As I walked, to my left was an old run down barn filled with outdated and broken tools and machines. In that moment, those behaviors and beliefs which no longer served me passed before my eyes and I realized they were of the past. I continued my walk. In front of me was a forest. Beautiful. Lush. Overgrown. A little frightening. For a moment, I gazed into my unconscious - into my potential - into the unknown. I wondered how I might tap into that potential and use it for good. My answer came immediately as the next thing I saw was a church. It was situated on a nearby hill a good distance from where I was standing. I knew my path through the unknown required a return to my spiritual path, the path of faith from which I had strayed. Suddenly, a feeling of love and warmth moved through me and despite my wet and frozen feet, I actually began to sweat. I stood motionless and stared at the church for a good long while. Finally, it was time to complete my walk. In front of me, in the place where I began but didn't notice until now, was a beautiful garden center with plants and statues and windchimes and signs with encouraging words engraved on them and one of the women who created this labyrinth. She was patiently quietly lovingly working in a tiny building. In that moment, she was me and I was she. We were one. We were at peace. My walk was complete. Almost...
I thanked the labyrinth. I prayed for all those who had walked it before me and all who would follow. I prayed they would receive the peace and grace and love I felt in this moment; I prayed they would receive whatever they needed. I thanked the woman. "No, thank you. You have truly blessed us on this day." I loved her in that moment. I still love her.
Happy and fulfilled, I walked back to the truck where the man who did not want to be there was waiting for me. As I got back into the truck he was laughing. I thought perhaps the labyrinth had worked on him as well. Then he said, "While you were gone, me and Jack (his dog) had to take a piss. So we walked to that church over there (my church, my future) and we both pissed on the building." He continued to laugh, obviously pleased with himself.
Yes, the labyrinth worked on both of us that day. We were both able to be finally finally true to ourselves.
("Labyrinth #2" - Malachite, Swarovski Crystals, Hill Tribe Silver Charms, & Sterling Silver!)